Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Peace that surpasseth understanding

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, 
shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  

I've been dealing with a sticky, emotional situation related to H's addiction for the past few days and have had to face some hard and complicated emotions. Not fun. Seriously, the WOPA lifestyle leaves much to be desired.


This situation and my emotions have brought me to my knees in fervent prayer. And as I've prayed, I've been blessed with guidance. Emotions and thought clarifying the direction of my behavior in one area of my life, and a clear prompting that signifies the need to start new behaviors in another area of my life (started taking some baby steps toward that already tonight).


Here's the best part: the Lord has blessed me with peace. Right now, and for the past few hours since I said some prayers, I've been feeling peace about my decisions. Given what some other people think about the situation and the overall context of what I'm dealing with in my life, it doesn't make sense to feel peace right now. And there are probably some good reasons why I will not stay in this peaceful state indefinitely (click here for my thoughts on that). But I can't deny the peace I have been feeling. And I certainly am enjoying it, for however long it lasts. This is not the first time I have experienced peace that surpasseth understanding in my life, and I'm hopeful (and full of faith) that it will not be the last.


  1. Peace is short lived, but I cling to it when it comes and enjoy it for as long as I have it.

    I am glad you received some direction. The Savior's voice is the only voice that matters.

    Praying for you :) HUGS!!

  2. I love this. Hooray for peace! I love that you said you recognize you won't have this peace indefinitely. I've been experiencing that lately. I have bouts of peace that surpasseth my understanding too. I used to get mad when that peace would leave because I felt like I needed it and it wasn't fair when I would lose it. Now I'm embracing, clinging to, and enjoying the peace I do find, and when life happens and I lose peace, I just keep searching for it and hoping in the Atonement.
